Dear Subscribers:
We are excited to launch our inaugural volume of the digital Sacred Web: A Journal of Tradition and Modernity.
Sacred Web has been published in print for over 25 years, spanning 50 volumes that cover teachings from all the major faith and wisdom traditions. With our first digital edition, we continue our focus on the essential importance of the Sacred in navigating the issues of the modern world.
Our latest publication, Sacred Web 51, offers a rich collection of essays, poems and other materials rooted in traditional metaphysics, exploring spiritual, ethical, and artistic themes. Topics range from an examination of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, and a critique of Carl Jung to essays on Buddhism, on traditional symbolism, on holistic health care, and on Edwin Muir's poetic intersecting of life and literature. Volume 51 also includes poetry and essays in tribute to the late Dr. Wolfgang Smith, preeminent physicist, metaphysician and Christian theologian. Scroll below for the full contents.
In these challenging times, an age whose spirit is often pitted against the Spirit itself, we hope this journal, which reminds us of the vital relevance of the Sacred in our lives, will prove to be an invaluable resource to our readers.
As a reader-supported publication, we rely on the generosity of our community. If you find value in our work and wish to support us, donations are gratefully welcomed. Your support ensures that Sacred Web continues to thrive and is able to sustain its aim to provide high-quality, accessible scholarship to readers like you.
Pax et bonum.
M. Ali Lakhani (Founder and Editor)
Essays in Sacred Web Volume 51:

Tributes to Wolfgang Smith:
